Published: 28/04/2022 By Lucy Goodgame
That is the question, but the answer requires no lengthy and brooding soliloquy: the answer is yes. Always yes to a floorplan.Having a detailed, high-res floorplan available for prospective hot buyers and comps can even be a gamechanger for an off-market or pre-market instruction.
There was a time when Estate Agents could rely on a grainy single image in the local paper to sell a house. Technology has evolved to become much more sophisticated, and so has the expectations of buyers, especially active ones who already know the square footage they can expect at a price point. Good quality photographs, and plenty of them, along with virtual tours are all standard expectations these days. But what about floorplans?
A survey undertaken by Rightmove, where they spoke to 10,000 respondents, revealed that more than 33% of potential buyers would be less likely to ask about a property if there was no floor plan. Furthermore, the same study found that one in five homeowners will even ignore a listing that doesn’t include a floor plan. This study was carried out in the bygone era of 2013, but shockingly, many agents still omit to include floorplans as standard, or think that a poor-quality low-res floorplan will suffice.
The statistics highlight the importance of floorplans and demonstrate that, quite simply, a floorplan increases your chances of selling or letting a property. Home buyers don’t just want to see a floor plan as part of the listing, they think it’s essential information that must be provided with every listing. Fail to include a floorplan, and you will reduce viewings and lose potential sales. Simple as that.
Floorplans Benefit Everyone
Humans are visual creatures. For buyers, a floorplan gives the ability to picture the layout in their mind and determine the flow of the home. In the Rightmove study, home-hunters rated room dimensions as the most important feature when looking at a floorplan. Including dimensions allows people to determine if their furniture will fit in certain rooms and helps buyers see past current décor to the ‘bones’ of the property. A clear floor plan not only enables an interested buyer to properly envisage the property as it is now, but to imagine its future potential.When it comes to vendors, most know that buyers are looking for floor plans. In fact, Rightmove found that 42 % of sellers won’t hire an agent if they don’t offer floorplans. Perhaps because technology like Webdadi’s Property Plugin and CRM system has made it easier than ever for estate agents to upload high resolution floorplans and other rich media including Matterport virtual tours with dollshouse floor plans, it has become an expectation. And rightly so.
Offering floorplans doesn’t just benefit buyers and sellers, it benefits Estate Agents too, by boosting your marketing efforts and saving you valuable time. One of the big advantages with floorplans is that it enables buyers to better assess the property prior to viewing. Of course, this might sometimes mean that a buyer rules out a property at an early stage if they find it to be unsuitable, but this saves all parties from a wasted viewing. On the flip side, sometimes a property that might otherwise have been discounted because it didn’t meet a buyer’s criteria on paper, might suddenly be back on their wish list if the floorplan reveals a hidden compromise.
Raise your Floorplan Game with Webdadi
Whereas many CRM systems only have capability to upload low resolution floorplans, Webdadi’s Property Plugin and CRM system allow floorplans to be easily uploaded and displayed in high resolution on your website instantly, as well as being sent to property portals in high resolution too. This is an important point, because not all floorplans are born equal. For service users, it is infinitely more frustrating to have a blurry, unreadable low-res floorplan than it is to not have one at all.Additionally, because Webdadi’s CRM system is seamlessly integrated with our websites, it is possible to measure engagement of users clicking floorplans and how long they spend looking at them. These powerful analytics tools generate reports and collates the key information, allowing you to truly understand the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts and – most importantly – generates valuable leads. An invaluable source of intel for Estate Agents.
Final Thoughts
If you want to ensure that you create the best possible environment for selling or letting a property, providing a high-resolution floorplan will ensure that potential buyers and tenants receive everything they need to decide.The statistics show that floorplans are an essential part of home-hunters’ search processes: are you missing out by not including them? Or perhaps your property agency is looking to generate more quality inbound leads?
Either way, the Webdadi team is on hand to help – just hit the link below to contact us today.